Monday, May 26, 2008

RIP iBook... and On the Prowl

I knew it would happen eventually, and I suspected it might happen at a crucial time... but I didn't guess exactly how crucial. Late last week, ten days before a big deadline, my trusty little computer finally went belly-up.

I was hoping it would hold out a while longer -- at least until I got my deadlines taken care of. Alas, I must have somehow displeased the computer gods.

After a big day of writing, I 'slept' it on Thursday afternoon. Imagine my dismay when it wouldn't come back on after forty minutes of hammering at the restart button! Then, when it finally did, it wouldn't stay on long enough for me to e-mail my working files!

Can you say sweaty palms? :)

After twenty minutes of muttering oaths and prayers, I managed to bring it back to life long enough to e-mail my crucial files before it gave its final death rattle. I didn't lose anything, but since I didn't have time to ship the thing to California to fix it, I ended up spending more money than I care to think about on a new computer. On the plus side, this one has all twenty-six letters on the keyboard and backs itself up automatically. Which means I can stop e-mailing huge documents to my nearest and dearest every other day. :)

Anyway, now that my computer travails are over, I'm back on the home stretch of Murder Most Maine. I'm just taking a break from revisions to pop in -- and to post the cover that Sarab so kindly mentioned was already on Amazon.

Hope you're having a great Memorial Day weekend, and I'll be back soon!


At 7:10 PM, May 30, 2008, Blogger Dani said...

I can so empathize having just moved all my desktop to a new laptop after a power outage made the old dawg crash. What a nightmare! What a time-consuming nightmare during which I would rather be doing everythin else in the world. Including cleaning bathrooms.

Let me know if you need a first/second/last reader for the book! I volunteer.


At 7:46 PM, June 04, 2008, Blogger Karen MacInerney said...

I wish I could, Dani... but my deadlines are so short I don't know if I'll be able to. If it changes, I'll definitely take you up on it!


(And I empathize with the power outage issue; these days, at the slightest grumble of thunder, I'm out of bed and unplugging computers left and right.)

At 9:14 AM, June 20, 2008, Blogger Doug M.Cummings said...

As an extra backup to everything else, I daily email my latest WIP to myself on gmail. I think I have ten or twelve chapters on there so far. Tremendous storage capability and great peace of mind.



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